Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Now that I bought a fixer-upper house in the beautiful city of Crestline, CA at 4500 feet elevation in the San Bernardino Mountains, I am finding there are a lot of projects that I need to do that other people may be interested in but not necessarily know where to start. I've found that a lot of things I never did before and was frankly scared to do are things that are actually easy and are skills that are good to have for any mountain modern woman.

I am going to be writing about not only crafting but actual construction because I've found myself doing both. I love to re-use, re-purpose and use cheap tricks to make things beautiful. I decided to name this blog Mountain Modern Woman because I believe the modern woman should be able to live on her own even if she isn't and I am in the mountains where nature is abundant and should be put to use.

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